Turkey Breast in San Marcos
As we all know, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce are a few examples of the complimentary dishes. And you can’t forget the pecan, pumpkin, and apple pie slices for dessert! But have you ever wondered why turkey breast is the staple entrée for the holidays in the United States?
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Turkey Breast in San Marcos
As we all know, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce are a few examples of the complimentary dishes. And you can’t forget the pecan, pumpkin, and apple pie slices for dessert! But have you ever wondered why turkey breast is the staple entree for the holidays in the United States?
Out of all the meats available, what made turkey stand out from the rest? To begin with, during the 16th and 17th centuries, turkeys were known to roam in groups and were abundant. In addition, hunting turkey was a relatively easy task when compared to hunting larger game. Chicken was a good choice and easy hunt as well, but hens were necessary for eggs and roosters didn’t have the softest meat of all the poultry. And when it came to beef, it was more useful to own cattle than to slaughter them for food. Lastly, pork was popular through out the year so it didn’t seem fit for end of the year feasts. Therefore, anytime Christmas came around, turkeys were the unfortunate victims to celebrate the holidays. But there’s no need to complain. Turkey breast is delicious!
As time has progressed, turkey breast has become quite popular for Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Ever since the first harvest Thanksgiving feast, countless recipes have been created for the perfectly cooked turkey breast. You can cook up the familiar roasted turkey breast with gravy dish then add a side of mashed potatoes and green beans to make the perfect plate! Or if you’d like to get creative, create a different feel by adding a peach rosemary glaze over your roasted turkey breast. No matter what you prefer, know that there’s always a delectable spot where you can go to get turkey cooked to perfection. Turkey Breast in San MarcosBlack’s Barbecue has the best and most appetizing turkey breast in San Marcos, TX! Come try it out, for it is good enough to satisfy the pickiest of eaters!